About the Addiction Medicine ECHO Program
The OHSU Addiction Medicine Section and the Oregon ECHO Network offer a range of ECHO programs funded by the SAMHSA State Opioid Response grant program. These programs support healthcare providers and other professionals who treat patients with substance use disorders (SUD).
Addiction Medicine ECHOs employ a holistic approach to treatment that provides guidance on pharmacotherapies, behavioral health interventions, an emphasis on trauma-informed care, and the unique perspective of peer support. Case discussions are a core element of each session.
Learn about the OHSU Addiction Medicine ECHO Program and how we are building a community of practice in the Northwest (presented at the Region 10 Opioid Summit in 2023).
New Horizons: Growing, Diversifying, and Evaluating a Large Addiction Medicine ECHO Program (presented at MetaECHO in 2023).
Addiction Medicine Reports
Learn how Addiction Medicine ECHO programs are moving the needle on care for people who use drugs. Read the 2023-2024 Addiction Medicine Annual Report
See how participants in Addiction Medicine programs are integrating ECHO learning into their practices. Read the SUD Interview Report.
Addiction Medicine ECHO Leadership Team
From Left: Daniel Hoover, MD, Addiction Medicine ECHO Director; Eleasa Sokolski, MD, Addiction Medicine ECHO Deputy Director; Maggie McLain McDonnell, MPH, Oregon ECHO Network Director; Tuesday Graham, BS, Oregon ECHO Network Lead Project Manager.
Contact us at oen@ohsu.edu