Spring 2025 Programs
Behavioral Health for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Substance Use Disorders in Hospital Care
Communities of Practice
Programs that are underway, but are still accepting registrants:
Behavioral Health for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Substance Use Disorders in Hospital Care
Communities of Practice
Programs that are underway, but are still accepting registrants:
Purpose: Building the capacity of primary care clinicians and clinical team members to effectively manage mental health conditions in adults
Audience: Clinicians and clinical team members.
Sample topics: Depression, anxiety, assessing for suicide risk; bipolar disorder; PTSD, stopping psychiatric medications, insomnia
Schedule: 12 sessions. Tuesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. PT, April 1 - June 17, 2025
Jonathan Betlinski, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, OHSU; Clinical Advisor, Oregon ECHO Network
Ruth S. Tadesse, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, OHSU
Erica Ronquillo, DNP, PMHNP-BC, Yamhill County Mental Health
Petrus Oliphant, PharmD, Central City Concern
Purpose: Building the capacity and confidence of community mental health providers and their team members to provide care for youth with complex combinations of IDD, mental health conditions, and substance use disorders.
Audience: Pediatric care teams, including prescribing clinicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, nurse care managers, behavioral health specialists, administrators, and quality improvement specialists
Sample topics: Adapting therapy models for IDD; Fundamentals of Conducting Therapy with Youth with IDD; Substance use disorders and IDD; What is a Behavior Support Plan?
Schedule: 12 sessions. Tuesdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., PT April 1-June 17, 2025
Linda Schmidt, MD, Director, Oregon Psychiatric Access Line about Youth (OPAL-K); Associate Professor, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, OHSU
Tammi Paul, Parent Advocate, Oregon Family Support Network
Amelia Roth, MD, DBP, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician, Aviva Health
Purpose: Expanding the capacity of Oregon dental preceptors to provide high-quality mentorship to 4th-year dental students
Audience: Dental preceptors from across the U.S., Canada, and beyond. We will prioritize current, previous, or potential OHSU dental preceptors; dentists in Oregon; dental preceptors from Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, and Washington; and OHSU School of Dentistry faculty.
Sample topics: Processes and strategies for onboarding healthcare learners; Cultural Humility; Effective mentoring strategies; Best practices for assessing student skills; Best practices for providing and receiving feedback; Benefits of precepting and provider wellness
Schedule: 6 sesssions. Wednesdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Pacific time, April 2 - May 7, 2025
Richie Kohli, BDS, MS (DPH), Associate Professor, Department of Community Dentistry, OHSU
Lyndie Foster Page, BDS, PhD, Associate Professor and Division Head of Dental Public Health, OHSU School of Dentistry
Brittany Fox, DMD, Associate Dental Director, Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center
Lisa Greene, DDS, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Rehabilitation and Biosciences, OHSU School Of Dentistry
Eric Wiser, MD, Assistant Dean of Rural Undergraduate Medical Education (UME); Assistant Professor, OHSU SOM; Interim Director, Oregon Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
Purpose: Enhancing the ability of primary care clinicians and healthcare team members to effectively manage diabetes and its complications.
Audience: Physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, social workers, traditional health workers, and administrative staff. Due to our funding, Oregon registrants will be prioritized
Sample topics: Diabetes care teams in diverse settings; Patient and community engagement; How systemic racism and social determinants of health impact patients with diabetes; Identification & management of diabetes complications & comorbidities
Schedule: 12 sessions. Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. PT, April 2 - June 18, 2025
Eric Wiser, MD, Assistant Professor, OHSU School of Medicine
Farahnaz Joarder, MD, Assistant Professor, OHSU School of Medicine
Zoraya Uder, Community Health Worker, Familias en Acción
Sharon Allen, LPC, Virginia Garcia, LifeWorks NW
Purpose: Building the capacity of primary care and mental/behavioral health providers and teams to provide holistic, culturally responsive, and equitable gender affirming care. This ECHO is a dedicated space to support and enhance understanding of gender affirming care and the needs of transgender and gender diverse individuals, fostering a collaborative and respectful environment focused on education and care.
Audience: Physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, behavioral health clinicians, pharmacists, traditional health workers, administrative staff, and others. Participants are encouraged to participate together as primary care teams. Participants will be chosen based on their interest in the program, geographic distribution, and ability to commit to attending the sessions. Oregon participants will be prioritized.
Sample topics: Introducing the foundations of gender affirming care; Incorporating inclusive language and environment into your practice; Supporting LGBTQ+ youth and their families; Supporting non-binary and gender expansive patients; Implementing new guidelines. This ECHO will not cover prescribing gender-affirming hormones.
Schedule: 12 sessions. Wednesdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Pacific time, April 2 - June 18, 2025
Kelly Washburn, AGNP-C, Ila Helath
Ty Wong, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor and Mental Health Therapist, Options Counseling
Rook Bartz, BSN, Program Manager, Gender and Sexual Health, Legacy Health
Are you ready to transform your primary care practice and deliver exceptional behavioral healthcare? Join our IBH ECHO program and empower your team to provide high-quality care across the lifespan.
Audience: Community mental health providers and their team members
Explore engaging topics: Overview of Integrated Behavioral Health; Chronic Pain and Inflammation Management; Supporting Patients in Crisis; Preventing Burnout and Ensuring Sustainability
Schedule: 12 sesssions. Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. PT, April 2 - June 18, 2025
Rebekah Schiefer, MSW, LCSW, Associate Professor, Director of Behavioral Health Education. Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University
Jon Kirwan, PhD, LPC, MS, Integrated Behavioral Health Clinician, Associate Phoenix Health Center, La Clinica
Kate McKenna, MD, MPH, Physician in Family Medicine, One Community Health
Purpose: Building the capacity of primary care clinicians and their team members to provide perimenopausal/menopausal health care to their patients
Audience: Prescribing clinicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, nurse care managers, behavioral health specialists, administrators, and quality improvement specialists. Due to our funding, Oregon registrants will be prioritized
Sample topics: Perimenopause physiology and treatment; Physiology and epidemiology of menopause; Hormone treatment risks and benefits; Nonhormonal options
Schedule: 12 sessions. Thursdays, noon - 1 p.m. PT, April 3 - June 19, 2025
Emily E. Griffin , MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, OHSU
Amanda Clark, MD, MCR, MSCP, Professor Emerita, OHSU Urogynecology & Menopause, Kaiser Permanente Northwest
Moira Ray, MD, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, OHSU
Craig Williams, PharmD, BCPS, FNLA, Clinical Professor, OSU College of Pharmacy
Purpose: increase the capacity of primary care clinicians and community care teams to provide primary palliative care services.
Audience: Primary care clinicians and community care teams including MD, DO, NP, PA-C, RN, CHW, PHN, LCSW, MSW, and MDiv (or other chaplains)
Topics: National Consensus Project guidelines for Quality Palliative Care; Ethical and legal aspects of care/ end of life choices; Compassionate Community Model: engaging with community-based supports; Care Conversations: advance care planning and delivering difficult news; Symptom management for serious illness
Schedule: 12 sessions. Thursdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., PT, April 3-June 19, 2025
Erin Collins, MN, RN, CHPN, Program Director, Peaceful Presence
Linda DeSitter, MD, MPH, Palliative Care Physician, semi-retired
Kelly Ambrose, BSN, Director, Advanced Illness Care, Housecall Providers
Arika Patneaude, MHP, EMMHS, LICSW, APHSW-C, Director, Bioethics, Palliative Care and Journey Programs, Seattle Children's Hospital
Purpose: Helping clinical teams build or improve systems of care that effectively treat addiction in hospital and emergency department settings.
Audience: Hospital and emergency department teams, including prescribing clinicians, nurses, social workers, case managers, pharmacists, administrators, and quality improvement specialists. Participants across the U.S. are encouraged to register
Sample topics: Medication for opioid use disorder, including buprenorphine and methadone; overdose prevention and harm reduction; acute pain management in patients with SUD; peers in hospital settings; trauma-informed care
Schedule: 12 sessions. Wednesdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Pacific time, April 2 - June 18, 2025
Honora Englander, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Director Improving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT), OHSU
Emily Skogrand, PharmD, Pharmacist, Improving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT), OHSU
Amelia Goff, NP, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Improving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT), OHSU
Susannah Lujan-Bear, RN, Harm Reduction Nurse, IMPACT Team, OHSU
Purpose: Help clinicians and their teams practicing in primary care clinics and other settings to identify and treat substance use disorders (SUD). This ECHO introduces a systems perspective to providing SUD care and buprenorphine prescribing within primary care clinics
Audience: Clinicians (prescribing MD, DO, NP, PA), nurses, social workers, pharmacists, behavioral health specialists, practice managers, and quality improvement specialists are encouraged to register. Primary care teams are highly encouraged to participate together including prescribers and other care team members.
Sample topics: Health disparities, stigma, and structural factors affecting addiction care; Buprenorphine inductions; comparing protocols; Harm reduction principles applied to buprenorphine prescribing; Wellness in SUD treatment programs; Pregnant patients and SUD
Schedule: 12 sessions. Wednesdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., January 8 - April 2, 2025
Eleasa Sokolski, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, OHSU; Addiction Medicine ECHO Deputy Director
Stacie Andoniadis, BS, Program Manager, Medication for Addiction Treatment, CareOregon
Lydia Bartholow, PMHNP, CARN-PA, FIAAN, Medical Director of Substance Use Disorder Services at Unity Behavioral Health, Associate Professor UCSF SON, Assistant Professor OHSU SOM and SON
Heather Starbird, LPC, Counselor, Mosaic Community Health
Purpose: Supporting the creation or improvement of systems of care that effectively treat hepatitis C in the primary care setting.
Audience: Primary care teams, including prescribing clinicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, nurse care managers, behavioral health specialists, administrators, and quality improvement specialists
Sample topics: Diagnosis, screening, and treatment of hepatitis B & C; prevention of transmission and re-infection; assessing fibrosis and cirrhosis; designing a team-based care approach to hepatitis C treatment; recognizing liver-related complications
Schedule: 16 sessions. Thursdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Pacific time, January 9 - May 1, 2025
Arnab Mitra, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, OHSU School of Medicine
Hunter Spencer, DO, Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, OHSU
HaYoung Ryu, PharmD, Hepatitis C/HIV Pharmacist, OHSU
Purpose: Improve services provided to people with substance use disorder accessing emergency departments for care. Throughout ECHO, we address clinical care, patient and provider experience, and stigma towards people who use drugs
Audience: Healthcare providers, nurses, social workers, peers, case managers, pharmacists, care coordinators, administrators, quality improvement specialists, and other interested care team members are encouraged to register and forward to your colleagues and networks
Sample topics: Reducing stigma and using best practice language for substance use disorder care; Medication for Opioid Use Disorder, including buprenorphine and methadone; Management of precipitated opioid withdrawal; Managing alcohol withdrawal and initiating ambulatory withdrawal protocols; Methamphetamine Use Disorder and stimulant induced psychosis; Recovery Peers in emergency departments
Schedule: 11 sessions. Tuesdays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Pacific time, February 11 — May 6, 2026
Ulrika Agnew, MD, Emergency Department/ Addiction Medicine Clinician, Astoria Sunnyside Hospital; Boulder Care
Megan Glines, MSW, CSWA, ED Social worker, Columbia Memorial Hospital, Astoria
Melissa Willitzer, PA-C, Emergency Department Clinician, OHSU Hillsboro; Portland Adventist; and Columbia Memorial Hospital
Brennan Washburn, CADC-R. CRM I, PSS, Bend Peer Supervisor and Peer Support Specialist, BestCare Treatment Services
Purpose: Promote retention through creating and maintaining a culture of organizational support and well-being of the long-term care workforce.
Audience: Professionals from long-term care residential settings, including facility administrators, directors of nursing, human resource directors, resident managers, staffing coordinators, lead caregiving staff, directors of social services.
Sample topics: Culture of employee well-being; Trauma informed leadership; Organizational strategies to prevent workforce burnout; Policies to support work-life balance
Schedule: 12 sessions. Tuesdays, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., Pacific time, April 2 - June 18, 2024. NOTE: The Promoting Organizational Change for Employee Well-being in Long-term Care Learning Collaborative consists of 3 modules of 4 sessions for a total of 12 sessions. You can attend 1 or all 3 modules! Session are every other week. When you register you will receive calendar invites for all 12 sessions but feel free to just attend the sessions you are able.
Jen Hoffer, NHA, Recruitment Officer, Marquis Companies
Lisa Ladendorff, LCSW, Business Development and Training Director, NEON
Alicia Hayes, CNA, RA, Staffing Coordinator, Marquis Companies
Sandra Simon, LNHA, MBA
Communities of practice are designed for those who have attended ECHO programs or are otherwise experienced in the topic to come together and present their challenging cases for a facilitated discussion in an informal setting. These programs meet monthly and do not offer didactic presentations; they are 100% case-based. Learners receive CME credits for attendance.
Audience: Primary care clinicians, hospital clinicians and other healthcare professionals working in ambulatory or hospital care. Recommended for graduates of Substance Use Disorders in Ambulatory Care, Substance Use Disorder in Hospital Care, Chronic Pain and Opioids, and Effective Systems for Treating Addiction
Schedule: 10 Sessions. Second Monday of each month, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., September 9, 2024 - June 9, 2025
Audience: Neurologists; primary care clinicians including MDs, DOs, NPs, and PAs; nurses; social workers; case managers; pharmacists; administrators; quality improvement specialists; and other interested team members
Schedule: 9 sessions. Third Tuesday of each month, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., PT, September 17, 2024 - June 17, 2025
Audience: Physicians, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, physician assistants, behavioral health clinicians, pharmacists, nurses, traditional health workers, peers, administrative staff, and other clinic champions. Due to our funding, Oregon registrants will be prioritized.
Schedule: 16 sessions. Third Tuesday of each month, March 19, 2024 - June 17 2025, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Pacific Time
Audience: Healthcare professionals caring for patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases. Simultaneous enrollment in this community of practice is strongly recommended for those enrolling in the foundational Hepatitis C: Treatment and Elimination ECHO and also recommended for past graduates of Hepatitis C Treatment and Elimination
Schedule: 9 sessions. First Monday of each month, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., October 7, 2024 - June 2, 2025
Audience: Primary care clinicians and their team members caring for patients with mental health conditions across the lifespan. Recommended for those who have completed one or more of the following ECHO programs: Adult Mental Health I or II; Adult Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry
Schedule: 6 sessions. First Wednesday of each month, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m, January 15 - June 4, 2025
Jonathan Betlinski, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, OHSU; Clinical Advisor, Oregon ECHO Network
Ajit N. Jetmalani, MD, Joseph Professor and Director, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, OHSU
Audience: Long-term care nursing facility staff and community-based care teams who have attended a past Nursing Facilty Behavioral Health ECHO
Schedule: 4 sessions. Third Tuesday of each month, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m., January 21 - April 15, 2025
Audience: Jail administrators, jail healthcare staff, and community healthcare providers. Registration for this Community of Practice is open to those who have completed the Substance Use Disorders in Jail Settings ECHO
Schedule: 5 sessions. Second Tuesdays of each month, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., PT, January 14 - May 13, 2025
These programs are currently closed. However, Oregon ECHO Network may offer ECHO programs on similar topics in the future. Please contact us if you would like to receive information about programs like these as they become available.
This 12-session program was designed to support primary care clinicians who manage patients with mental health conditions.
This 14-session ECHO program helped primary care teams build their capacity to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with chronic pain and opioid use disorder.
This 6-session ECHO program was designed to help front-line clinicians understand what is known and not known about cannabis health effects
This 12-session ECHO program was designed to enhance the ability of primary care clinicians to identify and treat mental health issues in children.
This 6-session ECHO series was created to build the capacity of Oregon preceptors to provide high-quality mentorship to healthcare learners that is relevant to a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
10-session interactive program to learn and share best practices for deflection implementation.
This 10-session community of practice gave primary care clinicians and their teams a place to discuss caring for patients with dementia.
6 session ECHO designed to expand the capacity of dental preceptors to provide high-quality mentorship to 4th-year dental students.
This 12-session ECHO was created to increase the capacity of primary care clinicians and community care teams to optimize medication use, appropriately prescribe, and apply strategies for deprescribing medications for older adults
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help primary care clinicians and their teams to diagnose and treat common outpatient geriatric patient care issues.
This 16-session ECHO supported clinicians in learning how to diagnose and treat individual patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases as well as build a treatment program at the community level.
This 6-session ECHO was designed to improve local public health department professional’s knowledge, confidence, and skills to address health inequities in their communities
This 12-session ECHO program was designed build the capacity of pediatric care practices with integrated behavioral health clinicians to provide high quality integrated behavioral and developmental health services.
This 12-Session program supported clinicians, staff and other healthcare professionals working with patients living with Long COVID.
12-session program designed to increase Substanthe capacity of primary care clinicians and their team members to provide perimenopausal/menopausal health care to their patients
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to build skilss and knowledge of nursing facility teams around behavioral health issues such as depression, caregiver burnout, drug-drug interarctions, and behavioral interventions.
(3 cohorts) This 7-session ECHO was created to support the capacity of dentists and their teams to increase responsible opioid prescribing.
This 6-session ECHO was creted to develop more confident public health preceptors who are better equipped to support public health students through an applied practice experience resulting in increased opportunities for students to explore a career with underserved populations.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help recovery peers and clinicians integrate the peer role into various medical settings.
This 8-session ECHO was designed to build the capacity of primary care clinicians and their team members to provide culturally responsive and equitable reproductive health care to their patients.
This 12-session ECHO series was created to address the needs of primary care and pediatric clinicians treating substance use disorders in adolescent patients.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help clinicians and their teams identify and treat substance use disorders in a primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care that effectively treat addiction in a primary care setting.
12-session ECHO designed to develop more knowledgeable, skilled, and confident community-based care staff who are better equipped to deliver person-directed care to address their residents’ complex physical and behavioral health issues related to substance use disorders.
11 session ECHO designed to improve services provided to people with substance use disorder accessing emergency departments for care.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help jail administrative ad healthcare teams identify and treat individuals with substance use disorders in their facilities.
(3 cohorts) This 12-session series was designed to build provider knowledge and systems capacity to treat addiction in hospital settings.
This 9-session program brings together leaders from SUD treatment facilities throughout the state to share best practices and support.
This 12-session program was designed to support primary care clinicians who manage patients with mental health conditions.
This 14-session ECHO program helped primary care teams build their capacity to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with chronic pain and opioid use disorder.
This 6-session ECHO series was created to build the capacity of Oregon preceptors to provide high-quality mentorship to healthcare learners that is relevant to a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
This 6-session ECHO was designed to share evidenced-based approaches for clinical practices or regional health care organizations to improve colorectal cancer screening rates
This 16-session ECHO supported clinicians in learning how to diagnose and treat individual patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases as well as build a treatment program at the community level.
This 12-session ECHO program was designed build the capacity of pediatric care practices with integrated behavioral health clinicians to provide high quality integrated behavioral and developmental health services.
This 12-session ECHO program was designed build the capacity of primary care practices with integrated behavioral health clinicians to provide high quality integrated behavioral health services for adults.
This 12-Session program supported clinicians, staff and other healthcare professionals working with patients living with Long COVID.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to build skilss and knowledge of nursing facility teams around behavioral health issues such as depression, caregiver burnout, drug-drug interarctions, and behavioral interventions.
(3 cohorts) This 7-session ECHO was created to support the capacity of dentists and their teams to increase responsible opioid prescribing.
This 6-session ECHO was creted to develop more confident public health preceptors who are better equipped to support public health students through an applied practice experience resulting in increased opportunities for students to explore a career with underserved populations.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help recovery peers and clinicians integrate the peer role into various medical settings.
This 8-session ECHO was designed to build the capacity of primary care clinicians and their team members to provide culturally responsive and equitable reproductive health care to their patients.
This 12-session ECHO series was created to address the needs of primary care and pediatric clinicians treating substance use disorders in adolescent patients.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help clinicians and their teams identify and treat substance use disorders in a primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care that effectively treat addiction in a primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help jail administrative ad healthcare teams identify and treat individuals with substance use disorders in their facilities.
(3 cohorts) This 12-session series was designed to build provider knowledge and systems capacity to treat addiction in hospital settings.
This 9-session program brings together leaders from SUD treatment facilities throughout the state to share best practices and support.
This 12-session ECHO program is enhanced the ability of primary care clinicians and healthcare team members to provide whole-person care to children and youth in foster care.
This 12-session program was designed to support primary care clinicians who manage patients with mental health conditions.
This 12-session ECHO program was designed to enhance the ability of primary care clinicians to identify and treat mental health issues in children.
This 14-session ECHO program helped primary care teams build their capacity to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with chronic pain and opioid use disorder.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care that effectively treat addiction in a primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help primary care clinicians and their teams to diagnose and treat common outpatient geriatric patient care issues.
This 12-session ECHO program built the capacity of primary care teams to provide gender-affirming care.
This 16-session ECHO supported clinicians in learning how to diagnose and treat individual patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases as well as build a treatment program at the community level.
This 12-session ECHO program was designed build the capacity of pediatric care practices with integrated behavioral health clinicians to provide high quality integrated behavioral and developmental health services.
(3 cohorts) This 7-session ECHO was created to support the capacity of dentists and their teams to increase responsible opioid prescribing.
This 10-session ECHO series supported the capacity of clinicians and their teams to diagnose and treat Parkinson Disease (PD) and address common issues that occur because of a Parkinson diagnosis.
This 12-session ECHO helped practices partner with and leverage the expertise of community health workers in improving the care of hypertension and diabetes.
This 6-session ECHO series was created to build the capacity of Oregon preceptors to provide high-quality mentorship to healthcare learners that is relevant to a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
This 12 session ECHO series was designed to help recovery peers and clinicians integrate the peer role into various medical settings.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help clinicians and their teams identify and treat substance use disorders in a primary care setting.
(3 cohorts) This 12-session series was designed to build provider knowledge and systems capacity to treat addiction in hospital settings.
This 6-session program brings together leaders from SUD treatment facilities throughout the state to share best practices and support.
(2 cohorts) This 12-session ECHO program built the capacity of primary clinicians and teams to effectively manage type 2 diabetes and its complications.
This 12-session ECHO helped primary care and behavioral health clinicians and their team members better serve veterans and military service members who access behavioral health services in community-based settings.
This 12-session ECHO program is enhanced the ability of primary care clinicians and healthcare team members to provide whole-person care to children and youth in foster care.
(3 cohorts) This 12-session program was designed to support primary care clinicians who manage patients with mental health conditions.
This 16-session ECHO series covered evidence-based strategies for keeping COVID-19 out of nursing homes, managing mild and asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, and preventing the spread of COVID-19 among staff, residents, and visitors.
This 12-session ECHO program was designed to enhance the ability of primary care clinicians to identify and treat mental health issues in children.
This 14-session ECHO program helped primary care teams build their capacity to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with chronic pain and opioid use disorder.
This 12-session ECHO series addressed pharmacological and non-pharmacological behavioral health and medical intervention strategies for managing pediatric patients with conditions such as metabolic syndrome, chronic pain, concussions, and abdominal pain.
(3 cohorts) This ECHO was designed to provide evidence-based information on treatment, prevention, and up-to-date information relating to COVID-19 to all Oregon healthcare professionals.
This 10-session ECHO series was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care to effectively diagnose and treat dementia in the primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care that effectively treat addiction in a primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO program was designed build the capacity of pediatric care practices with integrated behavioral health clinicians to provide high quality integrated behavioral and developmental health services.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help primary care clinicians and their teams to diagnose and treat common outpatient geriatric patient care issues.
This 16-session ECHO supported clinicians in learning how to diagnose and treat individual patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases as well as build a treatment program at the community level.
The purpose of this 5 session ECHO series was to discus complex behavioral health cases as they arise, share and learn emerging promising practices, and foster community.
(3 cohorts) This 6-session ECHO was created to support the capacity of dentists and their teams to increase responsible opioid prescribing.
This 6-session ECHO series was created to build the capacity of Oregon preceptors to provide high-quality mentorship to healthcare learners that is relevant to a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
This 12 session ECHO series was designed to help recovery peers and clinicians integrate the peer role into various medical settings.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help clinicians and their teams identify and treat substance use disorders in a primary care setting.
(3 cohorts) This 12-session series was designed to build provider knowledge and systems capacity to treat addiction in hospital settings.
This 12-session ECHO program built the capacity of primary clinicians and teams to effectively manage type 2 diabetes and its complications.
This 12 session ECHO series sought to build the capacity of primary care and allied health professionals to understand and address the impact of psychic trauma sustained by patients and health care system.
This 12-session program was designed to support primary care clinicians who manage patients with mental health conditions.
This 14-session ECHO program was designed to enhance the ability of primary care clinicians to identify and treat mental health issues in children.
This 14-session ECHO program helped primary care teams build their capacity to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with chronic pain and opioid use disorder.
This 11-session ECHO was designed to provide evidence-based information on treatment, prevention, and up-to-date information relating to COVID-19 to all Oregon healthcare professionals.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care that effectively treat addiction in a primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help primary care clinicians and their teams to diagnose and treat common outpatient geriatric patient care issues.
This 16-session ECHO supported clinicians in learning how to diagnose and treat individual patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases as well as build a treatment program at the community level.
This 12-session program was designed to support front-line nursing facility staff to better manage behavioral disturbance in older adults.
This 6-session ECHO series supported the capacity of clinicians and their teams to diagnose and treat Parkinson Disease (PD) and address common issues that occur because of a Parkinson diagnosis.
This 6-session ECHO was created to support the capacity of dentists and their teams to increase responsible opioid prescribing.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help clinicians and their teams identify and treat substance use disorders in a primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO program was designed to support those providing substance use disorder treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This 12-session series was designed to build provider knowledge and systems capacity to treat addiction in hospital settings.
This 12-session program was designed to support primary care clinicians who are managing patients with mental health conditions.
This 14-session ECHO series was designed to enhance the ability of primary care clinicians to identify and treat mental health issues in children.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care to effectively diagnose and treat dementia in the primary care setting.
This 12-session ECHO was designed to help clinical teams build or improve systems of care that effectively treat addiction in a primary care setting.
This 13-session ECHO supported clinicians in learning how to diagnose and treat individual patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases as well as build a treatment program at the community level.
his 24-session program was designed to support front-line nursing facility staff to better manage behavioral disturbance in older adults.
This 12-session ECHO program helped primary care teams build their capacity to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with chronic pain and opioid use disorder.
This 12-session ECHO series was designed to help clinicians and their teams identify and treat substance use disorders in a primary care setting.
This 12-session series was designed to build provider knowledge and systems capacity to treat addiction in hospital settings.
This program was designed to support primary care clinicians who are managing patients with mental health conditions.
This ECHO series supported clinicians in learning how to diagnose and treat individual patients with Hepatitis C and other liver diseases as well as build a treatment program at the community level.
This ECHO series was designed to help clinicians and their teams identify and treat substance use disorders in a primary care setting.
This program was designed to support primary care clinicians who are managing patients with mental health conditions.
This ECHO was designed to enhance the ability of primary care clinicians to identify and treat mental health issues in children.
This 7-session program focused on the optimization of the community health worker role across a variety of settings and ensuring financial sustainability.
This program was designed to support primary care clinicians who are managing patients with mental health conditions.
This program was designed for primary care clinicians to better support children and adolescents with developmental and behavioral concerns.
This 5-session program was designed to support clinical teams who were working to integrate behavioral health specialists within the primary care setting.
This program was designed to support primary care clinicians who are managing patients with mental health conditions.