Deflection Engagement and Coordination ECHO
Purpose: The purpose of the Deflection Engagement and Coordination ECHO is to develop the deflection skillset and function as a networking space for the multidisciplinary deflection workforce in Oregon. Participants will learn from the ECHO Team and from their peers operating deflection programs across 28 Oregon counties. County teams in planning and in operational phase of new deflection programs are encouraged to register.
Audience: Deflection coordinators, case managers, certified recovery peers, law enforcement who interface with deflection teams, deflection SUD treatment partners, deflection community partners.
Program Goals: Develop new skills and new connections for Oregon’s deflection workforce; Equip deflection workers with engagement strategies to build the deflection bridge and retain participants in deflection programs; Share emerging best practices in deflection coordination; Debrief challenging deflection situations and celebrate successes together.
This ECHO is produced by OHSU’s Deflection Implementation Technical Assistance Center in collaboration with the Oregon ECHO Network. This ECHO is funded by the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to support the Behavioral Health Deflection Grant Program.
Schedule: First and third Wednesdays, noon - 1 p.m., P.T., October 16, 2024 - May 21, 2025
Dan Hoover, MD, Deflection Implementation TA Director, OHSU
Janie Gullickson, MPA:HA, PSS, PRC, Executive Director, Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO)
Dawn West, QMHA, White Bird Clinic and Lane County Forensic Intensive Treatment Team (FITT)
Jason Van Meter, MBA, Police Expert; formerly Lieutenant with Salem Police Department (LEAD)
Joseph Jackson, LEAD Screening and Outreach Coordinator, Seattle Third Avenue Project, REACH